Thursday, November 12, 2009

Critical Thinking

What really is the point of our current public education system? Is it to produce young adults, that can solve a complicated problem? Can they expresses their opinions in an educated way both written and verbally? Are they as prepared as they could be to help our world grow?


Why is that? Well I believe that the problem lies with what the real goals are of the public education system. Now that I can look back at my whole experience from my public school system years, I can see the most underlying goal. That goal appears to be turning out high school graduates that regurgitate facts on a short term basis, and pass a standardized test. Now, I'm not saying that being able to pass a standardized test, and having factual knowledge is a bad thing. However, wouldn't we be doing our children a better service if our CLEAR goal of public education was to teach them how to think critically, solve multilevel problems, and communicate their opinions in an educated way?

I think so.

Do I know the answer?


But I'm working on it.

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